Technical specification

NPK fertilizers are complex highly efficient combined fertilizers with contents of the main macro-nutritional elements nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Advantage of the combined fertilizers is the contents of micro-nutritional elements and there are contents of sulphur in some of them. The fact that all the needed nutritional elements needed by the plant in the initial phases of its development are collected in one granule makes the NPK fertilizers very productive.

Except for stock fertilization they may also be used during vegetation for provision of the crops with nutritional substances in the critical phases of their development. The forms in which the nutritional elements are placed in the NPK fertilizers do not exert any impact over the acidity of the soils. The potassium form is presented as potassium chloride.

Due to their balanced form and the comparatively low contents of active substance the NPK fertilizers are very suitable for correcting fertilization. Fertilization during vegetation with NPK predisposes to bigger percentage of assimilation by the plants than if other one- and two-components “heavy” fertilizers are used. NP is nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer, created for feeding soils which are provided with potassium in contents. It is suitable for fertilization of almost all the crops both at pre-sewing preparation and for correcting fertilization.  NP has comparatively low contents of easy to assimilate in form nutritional elements which makes it the good solution for each farm.

The balanced contents of nutritional elements contribute to the full satisfaction of the needs of the plants of macro-nutritional substances.

The contents of more than one element in the fertilizer also contribute to the better assimilation of the nutritional elements by the roots of the plants. In the presence of phosphorus the nitrogen is assimilated in greater degree by the plants and the availability of more than one nutritional element in usable form contributes to the development of the plant organism of full value.

The ratio of the elements and the easily usable form, which they are in the NPK fertilizers in, makes them suitable for satisfying the needs of the plants in each stage of their vegetative development.

The selection of the specific formulations depends on the conditions and the kind of the grown up crops. The use of NP and NPK fertilizers guarantees maximal efficiency of the input means and provides balanced supply of nutritional substances of full value.

⊳ NP and NPK fertilizers are stored in covered, cold and dry warehouse premises.

⊳ Heating and mixing with water are not desirable.

They are transported packed or in bulk. They are offered in packages of polyethylene and polypropylene, in packages of:

— 50 kg

— 500 kg


Applied in an appropriate programme for balanced fertilization with a view to the requirements of the specific crop, the type of soil and the microclimate of the area, the complex fertilizers have the following advantages:

– Controlled release of nutritional elements.

– Significant increase of the coefficient of use of the nutritional elements.

– Possibility for accurate and controlled input of comparatively low norms of a certain element, which is difficult to attain with separate fertilization.

– Reduction of the losses from washing and flying off of the nutritional elements.

– Lower expenditures at one-time input into the soil – transportation, time and labor.

Technical characteristics

It satisfies the requirements of Regulation 2003/2003 relating to mineral fertilizers with high contents of nitrogen.

CompositionStandards and Norms
Total nitrogen20.0 ± 0.7
Ammonium nitrogenmin. 19.0%
Total phosphorus (as P₂O₅)20.0 ± 0.7
Water- and citrate-soluble P₂O₅min. 19.0%
Water soluble phosphorus (as P₂O₅)min. 18.0%
Sulphurmin. 13.0%
Moisturemax. 2.0%
Granules from 1 to 5 mmmin. 98.0%




Sugar beet





Silage corn


Perennial grasses

